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- Appendix AI Administrative Instructions Under the PCT

Electronic Form of the Sequence Listing

39. A copy of the sequence listing shall also be submitted in electronic form, in addition to the sequence listing as contained in the application, whenever this is required by the competent Authority.

40. Any sequence listing in electronic form submitted in addition to the sequence listing as contained in the application shall be identical to the sequence listing as contained in the application and shall be accompanied by a statement that "the information recorded in electronic form is identical to the sequence listing as contained in the application."

41. The entire printable copy of the sequence listing shall be contained within one electronic file preferably on a single diskette or any other electronic medium that is acceptable to the competent Authority. The file recorded on the diskette or any other electronic medium that is acceptable to the competent Authority shall be encoded using IBM

Editor's Note: IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machine Corporation, United States of America.

Code Page 437, IBM Code Page 932

Editor's Note: The specified code pages are de facto standards for personal computers.

or a compatible code page. A compatible code page, as would be required for, for example, Japanese, Chinese, Cyrillic, Arabic, Greek or Hebrew characters, is one that assigns the Roman alphabet and numerals to the same hexadecimal positions as do the specified code pages.

42. The electronic form shall preferably be created by dedicated software such as PatentIn or other custom computer programs; it may be created by any means, as long as the sequence listing on a submitted diskette or any other electronic medium that is acceptable to the competent Authority is machine searchable under a Personal Computer Operating system that is acceptable to the competent Authority.

43. File compression is acceptable when using diskette media, so long as the compressed file is in a self-extracting format that will decompress on a Personal Computer Operating system that is acceptable to the competent Authority.

44. The diskette or any other electronic medium that is acceptable to the competent Authority shall have a label permanently affixed thereto on which has been hand-printed, in block capitals or typed, the name of the applicant, the title of the invention, a reference number, the date on which the data were recorded, the computer operating system and the name of the competent Authority.

45. If the diskette or any other electronic medium that is acceptable to the competent Authority is submitted after the date of filing of an application, the labels shall also include the filing date of the application and the application number.

46. Any correction of the sequence listing as contained in the application which is submitted under PCT Rules 13ter.1(b) or 26.3, any rectification of an obvious error in the sequence listing as contained in the application which is submitted under PCT Rule 91, or any amendment which includes a sequence listing as contained in the application and which is submitted under PCT Article 34, shall be accompanied by a copy in electronic form of the sequence listing including any such correction, rectification or amendment.

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