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§ 13 - Appendix T Patent Cooperation Treaty

§ 13bis.3 References: Contents; Failure to Include Reference or Indication

(a) A reference to deposited biological material shall indicate:

(i) the name and address of the depositary institution with which the deposit was made;

(ii) the date of deposit of the biological material with that institution;

(iii) the accession number given to the deposit by that institution; and

(iv) any additional matter of which the International Bureau has been notified pursuant to Rule 13bis.7(a)(i), provided that the requirement to indicate that matter was published in the Gazette in accordance with Rule 13bis.7(c) at least two months before the filing of the international application.

(b) Failure to include a reference to deposited biological material or failure to include, in a reference to deposited biological material, an indication in accordance with paragraph (a), shall have no consequence in any designated State whose national law does not require such reference or such indication in a national application.

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