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§ 13 - Appendix T Patent Cooperation Treaty

§ 13bis.4 References: Time Limit for Furnishing Indications

(a) Subject to paragraphs (b) and (c), if any of the indications referred to in Rule 13bis.3(a) is not included in a reference to deposited biological material in the international application as filed but is furnished to the International Bureau:

(i) within 16 months from the priority date, the indication shall be considered by any designated Office to have been furnished in time;

(ii) after the expiration of 16 months from the priority date, the indication shall be considered by any designated Office to have been furnished on the last day of that time limit if it reaches the International Bureau before the technical preparations for international publication have been completed.

(b) If the national law applicable by a designated Office so requires in respect of national applications, that Office may require that any of the indications referred to in Rule 13bis.3(a) be furnished earlier than 16 months from the priority date, provided that the International Bureau has been notified of such requirement pursuant to Rule 13bis.7(a)(ii) and has published such requirement in the Gazette in accordance with Rule 13bis.7(c) at least two months before the filing of the international application.

(c) Where the applicant makes a request for early publication under Article 21(2)(b), any designated Office may consider any indication not furnished before the technical preparations for international publication have been completed as not having been furnished in time.

(d) The International Bureau shall notify the applicant of the date on which it received any indication furnished under paragraph (a), and:

(i) if the indication was received before the technical preparations for international publication have been completed, publish the indication furnished under paragraph (a), and an indication of the date of receipt, together with the international application;

(ii) if the indication was received after the technical preparations for international publication have been completed, notify that date and the relevant data from the indication to the designated Offices.

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