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§ 90.5 General Power of Attorney - Appendix T Patent Cooperation Treaty

§ 90.5 General Power of Attorney

(a) Appointment of an agent in relation to a particular international application may be effected by referring in the request, the demand, or a separate notice to an existing separate power of attorney appointing that agent to represent the applicant in relation to any international application which may be filed by that applicant (i.e., a "general power of attorney"), provided that:

(i) the general power of attorney has been deposited in accordance with paragraph (b), and

(ii) a copy of it is attached to the request, the demand or the separate notice, as the case may be; that copy need not be signed.

(b) The general power of attorney shall be deposited with the receiving Office, provided that, where it appoints an agent under Rule 90.1(b), (c), or (d)(ii), it shall be deposited with the International Searching Authority or the International Preliminary Examining Authority, as the case may be.

(c) Any receiving Office, any International Searching Authority and any International Preliminary Examining Authority may waive the requirement under paragraph (a)(ii) that a copy of the general power of attorney is attached to the request, the demand or the separate notice, as the case may be.

(d) Notwithstanding paragraph (c), where the agent submits any notice of withdrawal referred to in Rules 90bis.1 to 90bis.4 to the receiving Office, the International Searching Authority or the International Preliminary Examining Authority, a copy of the general power of attorney shall be submitted to that Office or Authority.

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