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§ 92.2 Languages - Appendix T Patent Cooperation Treaty

§ 92.2 Languages

(a) Subject to Rules 55.1 and 66.9 and to paragraph (b) of this Rule, any letter or document submitted by the applicant to the International Searching Authority or the International Preliminary Examining Authority shall be in the same language as the international application to which it relates. However, where a translation of the international application has been transmitted under Rule 23.1(b) or furnished under Rule 55.2, the language of such translation shall be used.

(b) Any letter from the applicant to the International Searching Authority or the International Preliminary Examining Authority may be in a language other than that of the international application, provided the said Authority authorizes the use of such language.

(c) [Deleted]

(d) Any letter from the applicant to the International Bureau shall be in English or French.

(e) Any letter or notification from the International Bureau to the applicant or to any national Office shall be in English or French.

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