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608.05 Sequence Listing Table, or Computer Program Listing Appendix Submitted on a Compact Disc [R-7] - 600 Parts, Form, and Content of Application

608.05 Sequence Listing Table, or Computer Program Listing Appendix Submitted on a Compact Disc [R-7]

37 CFR 1.52 Language, paper, writing, margins, compact disc specifications.


(e) Electronic documents that are to become part of the permanent United States Patent and Trademark Office records in the file of a patent application or reexamination proceeding.

(1) The following documents may be submitted to the Office on a compact disc in compliance with this paragraph:

(i) A computer program listing (see §  1.96);

(ii) A "Sequence Listing" (submitted under § 1.821(c)); or

(iii) Any individual table (see § 1.58) if the table is more than 50 pages in length, or if the total number of pages of all of the tables in an application exceeds 100 pages in length, where a table page is a page printed on paper in conformance with paragraph (b) of this section and § 1.58(c).

(2) A compact disc as used in this part means a Compact Disc-Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) or a Compact Disc-Recordable (CD-R) in compliance with this paragraph. A CD-ROM is a "read-only" medium on which the data is pressed into the disc so that it cannot be changed or erased. A CD-R is a "write once" medium on which once the data is recorded, it is permanent and cannot be changed or erased.


(i) Each compact disc must conform to the International Standards Organization (ISO) 9660 standard, and the contents of each compact disc must be in compliance with the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). CD-R discs must be finalized so that they are closed to further writing to the CD-R.

(ii) Each compact disc must be enclosed in a hard compact disc case within an unsealed padded and protective mailing envelope and accompanied by a transmittal letter on paper in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section. The transmittal letter must list for each compact disc the machine format (e.g., IBM-PC, Macintosh), the operating system compatibility (e.g., MS-DOS, MS-Windows, Macintosh, Unix), a list of files contained on the compact disc including their names, sizes in bytes, and dates of creation, plus any other special information that is necessary to identify, maintain, and interpret (e.g., tables in landscape orientation should be identified as landscape orientation or be identified when inquired about) the information on the compact disc. Compact discs submitted to the Office will not be returned to the applicant.

(4) Any compact disc must be submitted in duplicate unless it contains only the "Sequence Listing" in computer readable form required by §  1.821(e). The compact disc and duplicate copy must be labeled "Copy 1" and "Copy 2," respectively. The transmittal letter which accompanies the compact disc must include a statement that the two compact discs are identical. In the event that the two compact discs are not identical, the Office will use the compact disc labeled "Copy 1" for further processing. Any amendment to the information on a compact disc must be by way of a replacement compact disc in compliance with this paragraph containing the substitute information, and must be accompanied by a statement that the replacement compact disc contains no new matter. The compact disc and copy must be labeled "COPY 1 REPLACEMENT MM/DD/YYYY" (with the month, day and year of creation indicated), and "COPY 2 REPLACEMENT MM/DD/YYYY," respectively.

(5) The specification must contain an incorporation-by-reference of the material on the compact disc in a separate paragraph (§ 1.77(b)(5)), identifying each compact disc by the names of the files contained on each of the compact discs, their date of creation and their sizes in bytes. The Office may require applicant to amend the specification to include in the paper portion any part of the specification previously submitted on compact disc.<

(6) A compact disc must also be labeled with the following information:

(i) The name of each inventor (if known);

(ii) Title of the invention;

(iii) The docket number, or application number if known, used by the person filing the application to identify the application; and

(iv) A creation date of the compact disc.

(v) If multiple compact discs are submitted, the label shall indicate their order (e.g. "1 of X").

(vi) An indication that the disk is "Copy 1" or "Copy 2" of the submission. See paragraph (b)(4) of this section.

(7) If a file is unreadable on both copies of the disc, the unreadable file will be treated as not having been submitted. A file is unreadable if, for example, it is of a format that does not comply with the requirements of paragraph (e)(3) of this section, it is corrupted by a computer virus, or it is written onto a defective compact disc.


(1) Any sequence listing in an electronic medium in compliance with §§ 1.52(e) and 1.821(c) or (e), and any computer program listing filed in an electronic medium in compliance with §§ 1.52(e) and 1.96, will be excluded when determining the application size fee required by § 1.16(s) or § 1.492(j). For purposes of determining the application size fee required by § 1.16(s) or § 1.492(j), for an application the specification and drawings of which, excluding any sequence listing in compliance with § 1.821(c) or (e), and any computer program listing filed in an electronic medium in compliance with §§ 1.52(e) and 1.96, are submitted in whole or in part on an electronic medium other than the Office electronic filing system, each three kilobytes of content submitted on an electronic medium shall be counted as a sheet of paper.

(2) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the paper size equivalent of the specification and drawings of an application submitted via the Office electronic filing system will be considered to be the number of sheets of paper present in the specification and drawings of the application when entered into the Office file wrapper after being rendered by the Office electronic filing system for purposes of computing the application size fee required by § 1.16(s). Any sequence listing in compliance with § 1.821(c) or (e), and any computer program listing in compliance with § 1.96, submitted via the Office electronic filing system will be excluded when determining the application size fee required by § 1.16(s) if the listing is submitted in ACSII text as part of an associated file.

37 CFR 1.77 Arrangement of application elements.

(a) The elements of the application, if applicable, should appear in the following order:

(1) Utility application transmittal form.

(2) Fee transmittal form.

(3) Application data sheet (see § 1.76).

(4) Specification.

(5) Drawings.

(6) Executed oath or declaration.

(b) The specification should include the following sections in order:

(1) Title of the invention, which may be accompanied by an introductory portion stating the name, citizenship, and residence of the applicant (unless included in the application data sheet).

(2) Cross-reference to related applications (unless included in the application data sheet).

(3) Statement regarding federally sponsored research or development.

(4) The names of the parties to a joint research agreement.

(5) Reference to a "Sequence Listing," a table, or a computer program listing appendix submitted on a compact disc and an incorporation-by-reference of the material on the compact disc (see § 1.52(e)(5)). The total number of compact discs including duplicates and the files on each compact disc shall be specified.

(6) Background of the invention.

(7) Brief summary of the invention.

(8) Brief description of the several views of the drawing.

(9) Detailed description of the invention.

(10) A claim or claims.

(11) Abstract of the disclosure.

(12) "Sequence Listing," if on paper (see §§  1.821 through 1.825).

(c) The text of the specification sections defined in paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(12) of this section, if applicable, should be preceded by a section heading in uppercase and without underlining or bold type.

Special procedures for the presentation of large tables, computer program listings and certain biosequences on compact discs are set forth in 37 CFR 1.52(e). Use of compact discs is desirable in view of the lengthy data listings being submitted as part of the disclosure in some patent applications. Such listings are often several hundred pages or more in length. By filing and publishing such data listings on compact disc rather than on paper, substantial cost savings can result to the applicants, the public, and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.


A compact disc submitted under 37 CFR 1.52(e) must either be a CD-ROM or a CD-R. A CD-ROM is made by a process of pressing the disc from a master template; the data cannot be erased or rewritten. A CD-R is a compact disc that has a recording medium only capable of writing once. CD-RW type media which are erasable and rewriteable are not acceptable. Limiting the media types to CD-ROM and CD-R media will ensure the longevity and integrity of the data submitted. CD-R discs must be finalized so that they are closed to further writing to the CD-R. The files stored on the compact disc must contain only ASCII characters. No non-ASCII characters or proprietary file formats are permitted. A text viewer is recommended for viewing ASCII files. While virtually any word processor may be used to view an ASCII file, care must be taken since a word processor will often not distinguish ASCII and non-ASCII files when displayed. For example, a word processor normally does not display hidden proprietary non-ASCII characters used for formatting when viewing a non-ASCII word processor file.

Compact disc(s) filed on the date that the application was accorded a filing date are to be treated as part of the originally filed disclosure even if the requisite "incorporation by reference" statement (see 37 CFR 1.77(b)(5)) is omitted. Similarly, if a preliminary amendment that accompanies the application when it is filed in the Office is identified in the oath or declaration, and the preliminary amendment includes compact disc(s), the compact disc(s) will be treated as part of the original disclosure. The compact disc(s) is considered part of the original disclosure by virtue of its inclusion with the application on the date the application is accorded a filing date. The incorporation by reference statement of the material on the compact disc is required to be part of the specification to allow the Office the option of separately printing the material on compact disc. The examiner should require applicant(s) to insert this statement if it is omitted or the examiner may insert the statement by examiner's amendment at the time of allowance.

37 CFR 1.52(e)(3)(ii) requires that each compact disc must be enclosed in a hard compact disc case within an unsealed padded and protective mailing envelope and accompanied by a transmittal letter on paper in accordance with 37 CFR 1.52(a). The transmittal letter must list for each compact disc the machine format (e.g., IBM-PC, Macintosh), the operating system compatibility (e.g., MS-DOS, MS-Windows, Macintosh, Unix), a list of files contained on the compact disc including their names, sizes in bytes, and dates of creation, plus any other special information that is necessary to identify, maintain, and interpret the information on the compact disc. Compact discs submitted to the Office will not be returned to the applicant.

All compact discs submitted under 37 CFR 1.52(e) must be submitted in duplicate labeled as "copy 1" and "copy 2" respectively. If more than one compact disc is required to hold all of the information, each compact disc must be submitted in duplicate to form two sets of discs: one set labeled "copy 1" and a second set labeled "copy 2." Both disc copies should initially be routed to the Office of **>Patent Application Processing (OPAP)<. The compact discs will be checked by *>OPAP< for viruses, readability, the presence of non-ASCII files, and compliance with the file and disc labeling requirements. *>OPAP< will retain one copy of the discs and place the other copy in a holder fastened into the application file jacket. For Image File Wrapper (IFW) processing, see IFW Manual sections 2.2 and 3.6. In the event that there is not a complete set of files on both copies of the originally filed discs, *>OPAP< will retain the originally filed discs and send a notice to the applicant to submit an additional complete copy. For provisional applications, *>OPAP< will provide applicant notification and, where appropriate, require correction for virus infected compact discs, unreadable compact discs (or unreadable files thereon), and missing duplicate discs. An amendment to the material on a compact disc must be done by submitting a replacement compact disc with the amended file(s). The amendment should include a corresponding amendment to the description of the compact disc and the files contained on the compact disc in the paper portion of the specification. A replacement compact disc containing the amended files must contain all of the files of the original compact disc that were not amended. This will insure that the Office, printer, and public can quickly access all of the current files in an application or patent by referencing only the latest set of compact discs.

Compact discs should be stored in the compact disc holder provided in each application file. The compact discs, especially the non-label side, should not be scratched, marked or otherwise altered or deformed. Compact discs and application files containing compact discs should not be stored in areas exposed to heat and humidity that might damage the discs.

If a compact disc becomes damaged or lost from the file wrapper, *>OPAP< will make a duplicate replacement copy of the disc from the copy retained in *>OPAP<. At time of allowance, if a replacement disc is required, the application file and replacement request should be forwarded to *>OPAP< to provide the replacement disc.

Examiners may view the files on the application compact disc using virtually any text reader or the MS Word word processor software installed on their workstation. Special text viewing software will be provided on examiner workstations in Technology Centers that receive ASCII files that are not readily readable using the MS Word word processor software.

The following form paragraphs may be used to notify applicant of corrections needed with respect to compact disc submissions.

¶ 6.60.01 CD-ROM/CD-R Requirements (No Statement that CDs are Identical)

This application is objected to under 37 CFR 1.52(e)(4) because it does not contain a statement in the transmittal letter that the two compact discs are identical. Correction is required.

¶ 6.60.02 CD-ROM/CD-R Requirements (No Listing in Transmittal Letter)

This application is objected to because it contains a data file on CD-ROM/CD-R, however, the transmittal letter does not list for each compact disc, the machine format, the operating system compatibility, a list of files contained on the compact disc including their names, sizes in bytes, and dates of creation, plus any other special information that is necessary to identify, maintain, and interpret the information on the compact disc as required by 37 CFR 1.52(e)(3). A statement listing the required information is required.

¶ 6.61.01 Specification Lacking List of Compact Disc(s) and /or Associated Files

Portions of this application are contained on compact disc(s). When portions of an application are contained on a compact disc, the paper portion of the specification must identify the compact disc(s) and list the files including name, file size, and creation date on each of the compact discs. See 37 CFR 1.52(e). Compact disc labeled[1] is not identified in the paper portion of the specification with a listing of all of the files contained on the disc. Applicant is required to amend the specification to identify each disc and the files contained on each disc including the file name, file size, and file creation date.

Examiner Note:

In bracket 1, insert the name on the label of the compact disc.

¶ 6.61.02 Specification Lacking An Incorporation By Reference Statement for the Compact Disc

This application contains compact disc(s) as part of the originally filed subject matter, but does not contain an incorporation by reference statement for the compact discs. See 37 CFR 1.77(b)(4). Applicant(s) are required to insert in the specification an incorporation-by-reference of the material on the compact disc(s).

¶ 6.62 Data File on CD-ROM/CD-R Not in ASCII File Format

This application contains a data file on CD-ROM/CD-R that is not in an ASCII file format. See 37 CFR 1.52(e). File [1] is not in an ASCII format. Applicant is required to resubmit file(s) in ASCII format. No new matter may be introduced in presenting the file(s) in ASCII format.

Examiner Note:

1. This form paragraph must be used to indicate whenever a data file (table, computer program listing or Sequence Listing) is submitted in a non-ASCII file format. The file may be in a file format that is proprietary, e.g., a Microsoft Word, Excel or Word Perfect file format; and/or the file may contain non-ASCII characters.

2. In bracket 1, insert the name of the file and whether the file is a non-text proprietary file format and/or contains non-ASCII characters.

The following form paragraphs should be used to respond to amendments which include amended or substituted compact discs.

¶ 6.70.01 CD-ROM/CD-R Requirements (Amendment Does Not Include Statement that CDs are Identical)

The amendment filed [1] is objected to under 37 CFR 1.52(e)(4) because it does not contain a statement in the transmittal letter that the two compact discs are identical. Correction is required.

¶ 6.70.02 CD-ROM/CD-R Requirements (No Listing in Transmittal Letter Submitted With Amendment)

The amendment filed [1] contains data on compact disc(s). Compact disc labeled [2] is not identified in the transmittal letter and/or the transmittal letter does not list for each compact disc, the machine format, the operating system compatibility, a list of files contained on the compact disc including their names, sizes in bytes, and dates of creation, plus any other special information that is necessary to identify, maintain, and interpret the information on the compact disc as required by 37 CFR 1.52(e)(3). A statement listing the required information is required.

Examiner Note:

1. Use this form paragraph when the transmittal letter does not include a listing of the files and required information.

2. In bracket 1, insert the date of the amendment.

3. In bracket 2, insert the name on the label of the compact disc.

¶ 6.71.01 Specification Lacking List of Compact Disc(s) and/or Associated Files (Amendment Filed With Compact Disc(s))

The amendment filed [1] contains data on compact disc(s). Compact disc labeled [2] is not identified in the paper portion of the specification with a listing of all of the files contained on the disc. Applicant is required to amend the specification to identify each disc and the files contained on each disc including the file name, file size, and file creation date. See 37 CFR 1.52(e).

Examiner Note:

1. In bracket 1, insert the date of the amendment.

2. In bracket 2, insert the name on the label of the compact disc.

¶ 6.71.02 Specification Lacking An Incorporation By Reference Statement for the Compact Disc (Amendment Filed With Compact Disc)

The amendment filed [1] amends or adds a compact disc(s). See 37 CFR 1.77(b)(4) and 1.52(e)(5). Applicant is required to update or insert an incorporation-by-reference of the material on the compact disc(s) in the specification.

Examiner Note:

1. Use this form paragraph when the CD-ROM/CD-R is filed with an amendment, but the required incorporation-by-reference statement is neither amended nor added to the specification.

2. In bracket 1, insert the date of the amendment.

¶ 6.72.01 CD-ROM/CD-R Requirements (CDs Not Identical)

The amendment filed [1] is objected to under 37 CFR 1.52(e)(4) because the two compact discs are not identical. Correction is required.

Examiner Note:

1. Use this form paragraph when the two compact discs are not identical.

2. See also form paragraph 6.70.01 where the transmittal letter does not include a statement that the two compact discs are identical.

¶ 6.72.02 Data File, Submitted With Amendment, on CD-ROM/CD-R Not in ASCII File Format

The amendment filed [1] contains a data file on CD-ROM/CD-R that is not in an ASCII file format. File [2] is not in an ASCII format. Applicant is required to resubmit file(s) in ASCII format as required by 37 CFR 1.52(e)(3). No new matter may be introduced in presenting the file(s) in ASCII format.

Examiner Note:

1. This form paragraph must be used whenever a data file (table, computer program listing or Sequence Listing) is submitted in a non-ASCII file format. The file may be in a file format that is proprietary, e.g., a Microsoft Word, Excel or Word Perfect file format; and/or the file contains non-ASCII characters.

2. In bracket 1, insert the date of the amendment.

3. In bracket 2, insert the name of the file and whether the file is a non-text proprietary file format and/or contains non-ASCII characters.

¶ 6.72.03 CD-ROM/CD-R Are Not Readable

The amendment filed [1] contains a data file on CD-ROM/CD-R that is unreadable. Applicant is required to resubmit the file(s) in International Standards Organization (ISO) 9660 standard and American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) format as required by 37 CFR 1.52(e)(3). No new matter may be introduced in presenting the file in ISO 9660 and ASCII format.

¶ 6.72.04 CD-ROM/CD-R Contains Viruses

The amendment filed [1] is objected to because the compact disc contains at least one virus. Correction is required.

¶ 6.72.05 CD-ROM/CD-R Requirements (Missing Files On Amended Compact Disc)

The amendment to the application filed [1] is objected to because the newly submitted compact disc(s) do not contain all of the unamended data file(s) together with the amended data file(s) that were on the CD-ROM/CD-R. Since amendments to a compact disc can only be made by providing a replacement compact disc, the replacement disc must include all of the files, both amended and unamended, to be a complete replacement.

Examiner Note:

Use this form paragraph when a replacement compact disc is submitted that fails to include all of the files on the original compact disc(s) that have not been cancelled by amendment.

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