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608.05(a) Deposit of Computer Program Listings [R-7] - 600 Parts, Form, and Content of Application

608.05(a) Deposit of Computer Program Listings [R-7]

37 CFR 1.96 Submission of computer program listings.

(a) General. Descriptions of the operation and general content of computer program listings should appear in the description portion of the specification. A computer program listing for the purpose of this section is defined as a printout that lists in appropriate sequence the instructions, routines, and other contents of a program for a computer. The program listing may be either in machine or machine-independent (object or source) language which will cause a computer to perform a desired procedure or task such as solve a problem, regulate the flow of work in a computer, or control or monitor events. Computer program listings may be submitted in patent applications as set forth in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

(b) Material which will be printed in the patent: If the computer program listing is contained in 300 lines or fewer, with each line of 72 characters or fewer, it may be submitted either as drawings or as part of the specification.

(1) Drawings. If the listing is submitted as drawings, it must be submitted in the manner and complying with the requirements for drawings as provided in § 1.84. At least one figure numeral is required on each sheet of drawing.

(2) Specification.

(i) If the listing is submitted as part of the specification, it must be submitted in accordance with the provisions of § 1.52.

(ii) Any listing having more than 60 lines of code that is submitted as part of the specification must be positioned at the end of the description but before the claims. Any amendment must be made by way of submission of a substitute sheet.

(c) As an appendix which will not be printed: Any computer program listing may, and any computer program listing having over 300 lines (up to 72 characters per line) must, be submitted on a compact disc in compliance with § 1.52(e). A compact disc containing such a computer program listing is to be referred to as a "computer program listing appendix." The "computer program listing appendix" will not be part of the printed patent. The specification must include a reference to the "computer program listing appendix" at the location indicated in § 1.77(b)(5).

(1) Multiple computer program listings for a single application may be placed on a single compact disc. Multiple compact discs may be submitted for a single application if necessary. A separate compact disc is required for each application containing a computer program listing that must be submitted on a "computer program listing appendix."

(2) The "computer program listing appendix" must be submitted on a compact disc that complies with § 1.52(e) and the following specifications (no other format shall be allowed):

(i) Computer Compatibility: IBM PC/XT/AT, or compatibles, or Apple Macintosh;

(ii) Operating System Compatibility: MS-DOS, MS-Windows, Unix, or Macintosh;

(iii) Line Terminator: ASCII Carriage Return plus ASCII Line Feed;

(iv) Control Codes: the data must not be dependent on control characters or codes which are not defined in the ASCII character set; and

(v) Compression: uncompressed data.

Special procedures for presentation of computer program listings in the form of compact disc files in U.S. national patent applications are set forth in 37 CFR 1.96. Use of compact disc files is desirable in view of the number of computer program listings being submitted as part of the disclosure in patent applications. Such listings are often several hundred pages in length. By filing and publishing such computer program listings on compact discs rather than on paper, substantial cost savings can result to the applicants, the public, and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.


A computer program listing, as used in these rules, means the printout that lists, in proper sequence, the instructions, routines, and other contents of a program for a computer. The listing may be either in machine or machine-independent (object or source) programming language which will cause a computer to perform a desired task, such as solving a problem, regulating the flow of work in computer, or controlling or monitoring events. The general description of the computer program listing will appear in the specification while the computer program listing may appear either directly or as a computer program listing on compact disc appendix to the specification and be incorporated into the specification by reference.

Copies of publicly available computer program listings are available from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on paper and on compact disc at the cost set forth in 37 CFR 1.19(a).


The provisions of 37 CFR 1.52 and 37 CFR 1.84 for submitting specifications and drawings on paper have been found suitable for most patent applications. However, when lengthy computer program listings must be disclosed in a patent application in order to provide a complete disclosure, use of paper copies can become burdensome. The cost of printing long computer programs in patent documents is also very expensive to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Under 37 CFR 1.96, several different methods for submitting computer program listings, including the use of compact discs, are set forth. A computer program listing contained on three hundred printout lines or less may be submitted either as drawings (in compliance with 37 CFR 1.84), as part of the written specification (in compliance with 37 CFR 1.52), or on compact disc (in compliance with 37 CFR 1.52(e)). A computer program listing contained on three hundred and one (301) printout lines or more must be submitted as ASCII files on compact discs (in compliance with 37 CFR 1.96(c)).

Form paragraphs 6.64.01 through 6.64.03 may be used to notify the applicant of this requirement.

¶ 6.64.01 Computer Program Listing Appendix on Compact Disc Requirement

The description portion of this application contains a computer program listing consisting of more than three hundred (300) lines. In accordance with 37 CFR 1.96(c), a computer program listing of more than three hundred lines must be submitted as a computer program listing appendix on compact disc conforming to the standards set forth in 37 CFR 1.96(c)(2) and must be appropriately referenced in the specification (see 37 CFR 1.77(b)(5)). Accordingly, applicant is required to cancel the computer program listing appearing in the specification on pages [1], file a computer program listing appendix on compact disc in compliance with 37 CFR 1.96(c), and insert an appropriate reference to the newly added computer program listing appendix on compact disc at the beginning of the specification.

Examiner Note:

1. This form paragraph must be used whenever a computer program listing consisting of more than three hundred lines is included as part of the descriptive portion of the specification if the computer program listing was filed on or after September 8, 2000. See MPEP § 608.05(a).

2. In bracket 1, insert the range of page numbers of the specification which include the computer program listing.

¶ 6.64.02 Computer Program Listing as Printout Within the Specification (More Than 60 Lines And Not More Than Three Hundred Lines)

This application contains a computer program listing of over sixty (60) lines and less than three hundred and one (301) lines within the written specification. In accordance with 37 CFR 1.96(b), a computer program listing contained on over sixty (60) lines and less than three hundred-one (301) lines must, if submitted as part of the specification, be positioned at the end of the specification and before the claims. Accordingly, applicant is required to cancel the computer program listing and either incorporate such listing in a compact disc in compliance with 37 CFR 1.96, or insert the computer program listing after the detailed description of the invention but before the claims, in the form of direct printouts from a computer's printer with dark solid black letters not less than 0.21 cm. high, on white, unshaded and unlined paper.

Examiner Note:

This form paragraph must be used whenever a computer program listing consisting of a paper printout of more than 60 lines and no more than three hundred lines is included as part of the descriptive portion of the specification and the computer program listing was filed on or after September 8, 2000. See MPEP § 608.05(a).

¶ 6.64.03 Computer Program Listing of More Than Three Hundred Lines

This application contains a computer program listing of more than three hundred (300) lines. In accordance with 37 CFR 1.96(c), a computer program listing contained on more than three hundred (300) lines must be submitted as a computer program listing appendix on compact disc conforming to the standards set forth in 37 CFR 1.96(c)(2) and must be appropriately referenced in the specification (see 37 CFR 1.77(b)(5)). Accordingly, applicant is required to cancel the current computer program listing, file a computer program listing appendix on compact disc in compliance with 37 CFR 1.96(c), and insert an appropriate reference to the newly added computer program listing appendix on compact disc at the beginning of the specification.

Examiner Note:

This form paragraph must be used whenever a computer program listing consisting of a paper printout of more than three hundred lines is filed on or after September 8, 2000.

A computer program listing of more than three hundred lines will not be printed in any patent application publication, patent, or Statutory Invention Registration. See 37 CFR 1.96(c).


A computer program listing on compact disc filed with a patent application will be referred to as a Computer Program Listing Appendix on compact disc and will be identified as such on the front page of the patent but will not be part of the printed patent. "Computer Program Listing Appendix on compact disc" denotes the total computer program listing files contained on all compact discs. The face of the file wrapper will bear a label to denote that an appendix on compact disc is included in the application. A statement must be included in the specification to the effect that a computer program listing appendix on compact disc is included in the application. The specification entry must appear at the beginning of the specification immediately following any cross-reference to related applications. 37 CFR 1.77(b)(5). When an application containing compact discs is received in the Office of **>Patent Application Processing (OPAP)<, a special envelope will be affixed to the right side of the file wrapper underneath all papers, and the compact discs inserted therein. For Image File Wrapper (IFW) processing, see IFW Manual section 3.6. The application file will then proceed on its normal course.


The Office provided for the continuation of prior microfiche appendix practice for computer listings until March 1, 2001. All computer listings as part of the application disclosure filed prior to March 2, 2001 that are in conformance with the microfiche appendix rules below may rely on the microfiche and need not submit a computer program listing appendix on compact disc; all computer listings as part of the application disclosure not in conformance with the microfiche appendix rules below must conform to the requirements of 37 CFR 1.52 and 37 CFR 1.96 as set forth above.

The prior microfiche practice continued through March 1, 2001 to accommodate applicants who incurred the time and expense of preparing microfiche. Those applicants with computer program listings in the disclosure who have not prepared microfiche will generally incur significantly less time and expense creating compact disc files than creating microfiche.

All computer listings submitted on microfiche through March 1, 2001, must conform to the requirements of former 37 CFR 1.96(c), as reproduced below:

Former 37 CFR 1.96 Submission of computer program listings.


(c) As an appendix which will not be printed. If a computer program listing printout is eleven or more pages long, applicants must submit such listing in the form of  microfiche, referred to in the specification (see § 1.77(a)(6)). Such microfiche filed with a patent application is to be referred to as a "microfiche appendix." The "microfiche appendix" will not be part of the printed patent. Reference in the application to the "microfiche appendix" must be made at the beginning of the specification at the location indicated in § 1.77(a)(6). Any amendments thereto must be made by way of revised microfiche.

(1) Availability of appendix. Such computer program listings on microfiche will be available to the public for inspection, and microfiche copies thereof will be available for purchase with the file wrapper and contents, after a patent based on such application is granted or the application is otherwise made publicly available.

(2) Submission requirements. Except as modified or clarified in this paragraph (c)(2), computer-generated information submitted as a "microfiche appendix" to an application shall be in accordance with the standards set forth in 36 CFR Part 1230 (Micrographics).

(i) Film submitted shall be a first generation (camera film) negative appearing microfiche (with  emulsion on the back side of the film when viewed with the images right-reading).

(iii) At least the left-most third (50 mm. x 12 mm.) of the header or title area of each microfiche submitted shall be clear or positive appearing so that the Patent and Trademark Office can apply an application number and filing date thereto in an eye-readable form. The middle portion of the header shall be used by applicant to apply an eye-readable application identification such as the title and/or the first inventor"s name. The attorney"s docket number may be included. The final right-hand portion of the microfiche shall contain sequence in­ formation for the microfiche, such as 1 of 4, 2 of 4, etc.

(ii) Reduction ratio of microfiche submitted should be 24:1 or a similar ratio where variation from said ratio is required in order to fit the documents into the image area of the microfiche format used.

(iv) Additional requirements which apply specifically to microfiche of filmed paper copy:

(A) The first frame of each microfiche submitted shall contain a test target.

(B) The second frame of each microfiche submitted must contain a fully descriptive title and the inventor"s name as filed.

(C) The pages or lines appearing on the microfiche frames should be consecutively numbered.

(D) Pagination of the microfiche frames shall be from left to right and from top to bottom.

(E) At a reduction of 24:1, resolution of the original microfilm shall be at least 120 lines per mm. (5.0 target).

(F) An index, when included, should appear in the last frame (lower-right hand corner when data is right-reading) of each microfiche.

(v) Microfiche generated by Computer Output Microfilm.

(A) The first frame of each microfiche submitted should contain a resolution test frame.

(B) The second frame of each microfiche submitted must contain a fully descriptive title and the inventor"s name as filed.

(C) The pages or lines appearing on the microfiche frames should be consecutively numbered.

(D) It is preferred that pagination of the microfiche frames be from left to right and top to bottom but the alternative, i.e., from top to bottom and from left to right, is also acceptable.

(E) An index, when included, should appear on the last frame (lower-right hand corner when data is right reading) of each microfiche.


A microfiche filed with a patent application will be referred to as a "Microfiche Appendix," and will be identified as such on the front page of the patent but will not be part of the printed patent. "Microfiche Appendix" denotes the total microfiche, whether only one or two or more. One microfiche is equivalent to a maximum of either 63 (9x7) or 98 (14x7) frames (pages), or less. The face of the file wrapper will bear a label to denote that a Microfiche Appendix is included in the application. For IFW processing, see IFW Manual section 3.6. A statement must be included in the specification to the effect that a microfiche appendix is included in the application. The specification entry must appear at the beginning of the specification immediately following any cross-reference to related applications. When an application containing microfiche is received in the **>OPAP<, a special envelope will be affixed to the right side of the file wrapper underneath all papers, and the microfiche inserted therein. For IFW processing, see IFW Manual section 2.2. The application file will then proceed on its normal course.

Form paragraph 6.64.04 may be used to notify applicant of an unacceptable microfiche appendix.

¶ 6.64.04 "Microfiche Appendix" Unacceptable

The computer program listing filed on [1] as a "microfiche appendix" is unacceptable. A computer program listing conforming to the requirements of 37 CFR 1.96 is required.

Examiner Note:

1. This form paragraph should be used if a "microfiche appendix" was filed after March 1, 2001 or if a "microfiche appendix" filed on or before March 1, 2001 was not in compliance with former rule 37 CFR 1.96(c). See MPEP § 608.05(a).

2. In bracket 1, insert the date the "microfiche appendix" was filed.

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