2200 Citation of Prior Art and Ex Parte Reexamination of Patents

2200 Citation of Prior Art and Ex Parte Reexamination of Patents
2201 Introduction [R-5]
2202 Citation of Prior Art
2203 Persons Who May Cite Prior Art [R-7]
2204 Time for Filing Prior Art Citation [R-7]
2205 Content of Prior Art Citation [R-7]
2206 Handling of Prior Art Citation [R-7]
2207 Entry of Court Decision in Patent File [R-7]
2208 Service of Citation on Patent Owner
2209 Ex Parte Reexamination [R-7]
2210 Request for Ex Parte Reexamination [R-7]
2211 Time for Requesting Ex Parte Reexamination
2212 Persons Who May File a Request for Ex ParteReexamination
2212.01 Inquiries from Persons Other Than the Patent Owner [R-7]
2213 Representative of Requester [R-7]
2214 Content of Request for Ex Parte Reexamination [R-7]
2215 Fee for Requesting Ex Parte Reexamination [R-7]
2216 Substantial New Question of Patentability [R-7]
2217 Statement in the Request Applying Prior Art [R-7]
2218 Copies of Prior Art [R-7]
2219 Copy of Printed Patent [R-3]
2220 Certificate of Service [R-7]
2221 Amendments Included in Request  by Patent Owner [R-3]
2222 Address of Patent Owner [R-7]
2223 Withdrawal of Attorney or Agent [R-7]
2224 Correspondence [R-7]
2225 Untimely Paper Filed Prior to Order [R-7]
2226 Initial Processing of Request for Ex Parte Reexamination
2227 Incomplete Request for Ex Parte Reexamination [R-7]
2229 Notice of Request for Ex Parte Reexamination in Official Gazette [R-7]
2230 Constructive Notice to Patent Owner
2231 Processing of Request Corrections [R-5]
2232 Public Access [R-7]
2232.01 Determining if a Reexamination Request Was Filed for a Patent [R-7]
2233 Processing in Central Reexamination Unit and Technology Center [R-7]
2234 Entry of Amendments [R-7]
2235 Record Systems [R-7]
2236 Assignment of Reexamination [R-7]
2237 Transfer Procedure [R-7]
2238 Time Reporting [R-7]
2239 Reexamination Ordered at the Director's Initiative [R-7]
2240 Decision on Request [R-7]
2241 Time for Deciding Request
2242 Criteria for Deciding Request [R-7]
2243 Claims Considered in Deciding  Request [R-7]
2244 Prior Art on Which the Determination Is Based
2245 Processing of Decision [R-5]
2246 Decision Ordering Reexamination [R-7]
2247 Decision on Request for Reexam-ination, Request Denied [R-7]
2247.01 Examples of Decisions on Request for Reexamination [R-7]
2248 Petition From Denial of Request [R-7]
2249 Patent Owner's Statement [R-7]
2250 Amendment by Patent Owner [R-7]
2250.01 Correction of Patent Drawings [R-3]
2250.02 Correction of Inventorship[R-7]
2250.03 Fees for Adding Claims [R-7]
2251 Reply by Third Party Requester
2252 Consideration of Statement and Reply [R-5]
2253 Consideration by Examiner
2254 Conduct of Ex Parte Reexamination Proceedings [R-7]
2255 Who Reexamines [R-5]
2256 Prior Art Patents and Printed Publications Reviewed by Examiner in Reexamination [R-7]
2257 Listing of Prior Art [R-7]
2258 Scope of Ex Parte Reexamination [R-7]
2258.01 Use of Previously Cited/Considered Art in Rejections [R-7]
2259 Res Judicata and Collateral Estoppel in Reexamination Proceedings
2260 Office Actions [R-5]
2260.01 Dependent Claims
2261 Special Status for Action
2262 Form and Content of Office Action [R-7]
2263 Time for Response [R-5]
2264 Mailing of Office Action [R-3]
2265 Extension of Time [R-7]
2266 Responses [R-7]
2266.01 Submission Not Fully Responsive to Non-Final Office Action [R-7]
2266.02 Examiner Issues Notice of Defective Paper in Ex Parte Reexam-ination [R-5]
2266.03 Service of Papers [R-5]
2267 Handling of Inappropriate or Untimely Filed Papers [R-7]
2268 Petition for Entry of Late Papers for Revival of Reexamination Proceeding[R-7]
2269 Reconsideration
2270 Clerical Handling [R-7]
2271 Final Action [R-7]
2271.01 Panel Review [R-5]
2272 After Final Practice [R-7]
2273 Appeal in Ex Parte Reexamination [R-7]
2274 Appeal Brief [R-5]
2275 Examiner's Answer [R-3]
2276 Oral Hearing [R-3]
2277 Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences Decision
2278 Action Following Decision
2279 Appeal to Courts [R-3]
2280 Information Material to Patentability in Reexamination Proceeding [R-7]
2281 Interviews in Ex Parte Reexamination Proceedings [R-7]
2282 Notification of Existence of Prior or Concurrent Proceedings and Decisions Thereon [R-7]
2283 Multiple Copending Ex Parte Reexamination Proceedings [R-7]
2284 Copending Ex Parte Reexamination and Interference Proceedings [R-5]
2285 Copending Ex Parte Reexamination and Reissue Proceedings [R-7]
2286 Ex Parte Reeexamination and Litigation Proceedings [R-7]
2287 Conclusion of Ex Parte Reexamination Proceeding [R-7]
2287.01 Examiner Consideration of Submissions After a NIRC [R-7]
2288 Issuance of Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate [R-7]
2289 Reexamination Review [R-7]
2290 Format of Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate [R-5]
2291 Notice of Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate Issuance in Official Gazette [R-3]
2292 Distribution of Certificate [R-3]
2293 Intervening Rights
2294 Concluded Reexamination Proceedings [R-7]
2295 Reexamination of a Reexamination [R-7]
2296 USPTO Forms To Be Used In Ex Parte Reexamination [R-3]

2200 Citation of Prior Art and Ex Parte Reexamination of Patents

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