Appendix T Patent Cooperation Treaty

Appendix T Patent Cooperation Treaty
Introductory Provisions
Article 1 Establishment of a Union
Article 2 Definitions
CHAPTER I - International Application and International Search
Article 3 The International Application
Article 4 The Request
Article 5 The Description
Article 6 The Claims
Article 7 The Drawings
Article 8 Claiming Priority
Article 9 The Applicant
Article 10 The Receiving Office
Article 11 Filing Date and Effects of the International Application
Article 12 Transmittal of the International Application to the International Bureau and the International Searching Authority
Article 13 Availability of Copy of the International Application to the Designated Offices
Article 14 Certain Defects in the International Application
Article 15 The International Search
Article 16 The International Searching Authority
Article 17 Procedure Before the International Searching Authority
Article 18 The International Search Report
Article 19 Amendment of the Claims Before the International Bureau
Article 20 Communication to Designated Offices
Article 21 International Publication
Article 22 Copy, Translation, and Fee to Designated Offices
Article 23 Delaying of National Procedure
Article 24 Possible Loss of Effect in Designated States
Article 25 Review by Designated Offices
Article 26 Opportunity to Correct Before Designated Offices
Article 27 National Requirements
Article 28 Amendment of the Claims, the Description, and the Drawings, Before Designated Offices
Article 29 Effects of the International Publication
Article 30 Confidential Nature of the International Application
CHAPTER II - International Preliminary Examination
Article 31 Demand for International Preliminary Examination
Article 32 The International Preliminary Examining Authority
Article 33 The International Preliminary Examination
Article 34 Procedure Before the International Preliminary Examining Authority
Article 35 The International Preliminary Examination Report
Article 36 Transmittal, Translation, and Communication of the International Preliminary Examination Report
Article 37 Withdrawal of Demand or Election
Article 38 Confidential Nature of the International Preliminary Examination
Article 39 Copy, Translation, and Fee, to Elected Offices
Article 40 Delaying of National Examination and Other Processing
Article 41 Amendment of the Claims, the Description, and the Drawings, before Elected Offices
Article 42 Results of National Examination in Elected Offices
CHAPTER III - Common Provisions
Article 43 Seeking Certain Kinds of Protection
Article 44 Seeking Two Kinds of Protection
Article 45 Regional Patent Treaties
Article 46 Incorrect Translation of the International Application
Article 47 Time Limits
Article 48 Delay in Meeting Certain Time Limits
Article 49 Right to Practice Before International Authorities
CHAPTER IV - Technical Services
Article 50 Patent Information Service
Article 51 Technical Assistance
Article 52 Relations with Other Provisions of the Treaty
CHAPTER V - Administrative Provisions
Article 53 Assembly
Article 54 Executive Committee
Article 55 International Bureau
Article 56 Committee for Technical Cooperation
Article 57 Finances
Article 58 Regulations
CHAPTER VI - Disputes
Article 59 Disputes
CHAPTER VII - Revision and Amendments
Article 60 Revision of the Treaty
Article 61 Amendment of Certain Provisions of the Treaty
CHAPTER VIII - Final Provisions
Article 62 Becoming Party to the Treaty
Article 63 Entry into Force of the Treaty
Article 64 Reservations
Article 65 Gradual Application
Article 66 Denunciation
Article 67 Signature and Languages
Article 68 Depositary Functions
Article 69 Notifications
PART A - Introductory Rules
Rule 1 Abbreviated Expressions
§ 1.1 Meaning of Abbreviated Expressions
Rule 2 Interpretation of Certain Words
§ 2.1 "Applicant"
§ 2.2 "Agent"
§ 2.2 bis "Common Representative"
§ 2.3 "Signature"
§ 2.4 "Priority Period"
PART B - Rules Concerning Chapter I of the Treaty
Rule 3 The Request (Form)
§ 3.1 Form of Request
§ 3.2 Availability of Forms
§ 3.3 Check List
§ 3.4 Particulars
Rule 4 The Request (Contents)
§ 4.1 Mandatory and Optional Contents; Signature
§ 4.2 The Petition
§ 4.3 Title of the Invention
§ 4.4 Names and Addresses
§ 4.5 The Applicant
§ 4.6 The Inventor
§ 4.7 The Agent
§ 4.8 Common Representative
§ 4.9 Designation of States; Kinds of Protection; National and Regional Patents
§ 4.10 Priority Claim
§ 4.11 Reference to Continuation or Continuation-in-Part, or Parent Application or Grant
§ 4.12 Taking into Account Results of Earlier Search
§ 4.13 [Deleted]
§ 4.14 [Deleted]
§ 4.14 bis Choice of International Searching Authority
§ 4.15 Signature
§ 4.16 Transliteration or Translation of Certain Words
§ 4.17 Declarations Relating to National Requirements Referred to in Rule 51 bis .1(a)(i) to (v)
§ 4.18 Statement of Incorporation by Reference
§ 4.19 Additional Matter
Rule 5 The Description
§ 5.1 Manner of the Description
§ 5.2 Nucleotide and/or Amino Acid Sequence Disclosure
Rule 6 The Claims
§ 6.1 Number and Numbering of Claims
§ 6.2 References to Other Parts of the International Application
§ 6.3 Manner of Claiming
§ 6.4 Dependent Claims
§ 6.5 Utility Models
Rule 7 The Drawings
§ 7.1 Flow Sheets and Diagrams
§ 7.2 Time Limit
Rule 8 The Abstract
§ 8.1 Contents and Form of the Abstract
§ 8.2 Figure
§ 8.3 Guiding Principles in Drafting
Rule 9 Expressions, Etc., Not To Be Used
§ 9.1 Definition
§ 9.2 Noting of Lack of Compliance
§ 9.3 Reference to Article 21 (6)
Rule 10 Terminology and Signs
§ 10.1 Terminology and Signs
§ 10.2 Consistency
Rule 11 Physical Requirements of the International Application
§ 11.1 Number of Copies
§ 11.2 Fitness for Reproduction
§ 11.3 Material to Be Used
§ 11.4 Separate Sheets, Etc.
§ 11.5 Size of Sheets
§ 11.6 Margins
§ 11.7 Numbering of Sheets
§ 11.8 Numbering of Lines
§ 11.9 Writing of Text Matter
§ 11.10 Drawings, Formulae, and Tables, in Text Matter
§ 11.11 Words in Drawings
§ 11.12 Alterations, Etc.
§ 11.13 Special Requirements for Drawings
§ 11.14 Later Documents
Rule 12 Language of the International Application and Translation for the Purposes of International Search and International Publication
§ 12.1 Languages Accepted for the Filing of International Applications
§ 12.1 bis Language of Elements and Parts Furnished under Rule 20.3, 20.5 or 20.6
§ 12.1ter Language of Indications Furnished under Rule 13bis.4
§ 12.2 Language of Changes in the International Application
§ 12.3 Translation for the Purposes of International Search
§ 12.4 Translation for the Purposes of International Publication
Rule 12 bis Copy of Results of Earlier Search and of Earlier Application; Translation
§ 12 bis .1 Copy of Results of Earlier Search and of Earlier Application; Translation
Rule 13 Unity of Invention
§ 13.1 Requirement
§ 13.2 Circumstances in Which the Requirement of Unity of Invention Is to Be Considered Fulfilled
§ 13.3 Determination of Unity of Invention Not Affected by Manner of Claiming
§ 13.4 Dependent Claims
§ 13.5 Utility Models
Rule 13 bis Inventions Relating to Biological Material
§ 13 bis .1 Definition
§ 13 bis .2 References (General)
§ 13 bis .3 References: Contents; Failure to Include Reference or Indication
§ 13 bis .4 References: Time Limit for Furnishing Indications
§ 13 bis .5 References and Indications for the Purposes of One or More Designated States; Different Deposits for Different Designated States; Deposits with Depositary Institutions Other Than Those Notified
§ 13 bis .6 Furnishing of Samples
§ 13 bis .7 National Requirements: Notification and Publication
Rule 13 ter Nucleotide and/or Amino Acid Sequence Listings
§ 13 ter .1 Procedure Before the International Searching Authority
§ 13 ter .2 Procedure Before the International Preliminary Examining Authority
§ 13 ter .3 Sequence Listing for Designated Office
Rule 14 The Transmittal Fee
§ 14.1 The Transmittal Fee
Rule 15 The International Filing Fee
§ 15.1 The International Filing Fee
§ 15.2 Amount
§ 15.3 [Deleted]
§ 15.4 Time Limit for Payment; Amount Payable
§ 15.5 [Deleted]
§ 15.6 Refund
Rule 16 The Search Fee
§ 16.1 Right to Ask for a Fee
§ 16.2 Refund
§ 16.3 Partial Refund
Rule 16 bis Extension of Time Limits for Payment of Fees
§ 16 bis .1 Invitation by the Receiving Office
§ 16 bis .2 Late Payment Fee
Rule 17 The Priority Document
§ 17.1 Obligation to Submit Copy of Earlier National or International Application
§ 17.2 Availability of Copies
Rule 18 The Applicant
§ 18.1 Residence and Nationality
§ 18.2 [Deleted]
§ 18.3 Two or More Applicants
§ 18.4 Information on Requirements Under National Law as to Applicants
Rule 19 The Competent Receiving Office
§ 19.1 Where to File
§ 19.2 Two or More Applicants
§ 19.3 Publication of Fact of Delegation of Duties of Receiving Office
§ 19.4 Transmittal to the International Bureau as Receiving Office
Rule 20 International Filing Date
§ 20.1 Determination Under Article 11(1)
§ 20.2 Positive Determination Under Article 11(1)
§ 20.3 Defects Under Article 11(1)
§ 20.4 Negative Determination Under Article 11 (1)
§ 20.5 Missing Parts
§ 20.6 Confirmation of Incorporation by Reference of Elements and Parts
§ 20.7 Time Limit
§ 20.8 Incompatibility With National Laws
§ 20.9 Certified Copy for the Applicant
Rule 21 Preparation of Copies
§ 21.1 Responsibility of the Receiving Office
§ 21.2 Certified Copy for the Applicant
Rule 22 Transmittal of the Record Copy and Translation
§ 22.1 Procedure
§ 22.2 [Deleted]
§ 22.3 Time Limit Under Article 12 (3)
Rule 23 Transmittal of the Search Copy, Translation and Sequence Listing
§ 23.1 Procedure
Rule 24 Receipt of the Record Copy by the International Bureau
§ 24.1 [Deleted]
§ 24.2 Notification of Receipt of the Record Copy
Rule 25 Receipt of the Search Copy by the International Searching Authority
§ 25.1 Notification of Receipt of the Search Copy
Rule 26 Checking by, and Correcting Before, the  Receiving Office of Certain Elements of the International Application
§ 26.1 Invitation under Article 14(1)(b) to Correct
§ 26.2 Time Limit for Correction
§ 26.2 bis Checking of Requirements under Article 14(1)(a)(i) and (ii)
§ 26.3 Checking of Physical Requirements under Article 14 (1)(a)(v)
§ 26.3 bis Invitation under Article 14 (1)(b) to Correct Defects Under Rule 11
§ 26.3 ter Invitation to Correct Defects under Article 3 (4)(i)
§ 26.4 Procedure
§ 26.5 Decision of the Receiving Office
Rule 26 bis Correction or Addition of Priority Claim
§ 26 bis .1 Correction or Addition of Priority Claim
§ 26 bis .2 Defects in Priority Claims
§ 26 bis .3 Restoration of Right of Priority by Receiving Office

§ 26 ter .1 Correction or Addition of Declarations
§ 26 ter .2 Processing of Declarations
Rule 27 Lack of Payment of Fees
§ 27.1 Fees
Rule 28 Defects Noted by the International Bureau
§ 28.1 Note on Certain Defects
Rule 29 International Applications Considered Withdrawn
§ 29.1 Finding by Receiving Office
§ 29.2 [Deleted]
§ 29.3 Calling Certain Facts to the Attention of the Receiving Office
§ 29.4 Notification of Intent to Make Declaration Under Article 14 (4)
Rule 30 Time Limit Under Article 14 (4)
§ 30.1 Time Limit
Rule 31 Copies Required Under Article 13
§ 31.1 Request for Copies
§ 31.2 Preparation of Copies
Rule 32 Extension of Effects of International Application to Certain Successor States
§ 32.1 Extension of International Application to Successor State
§ 32.2 Effects of Extension to Successor State
Rule 32 bis [Deleted]
Rule 33 Relevant Prior Art for the International Search
§ 33.1 Relevant Prior Art for the International Search
§ 33.2 Fields to Be Covered by the International Search
§ 33.3 Orientation of the International Search
Rule 34 Minimum Documentation
§ 34.1 Definition
Rule 35 The Competent International Searching Authority
§ 35.1 When Only One International Searching Authority Is Competent
§ 35.2 When Several International Searching Authorities Are Competent
§ 35.3 When the International Bureau Is Receiving Office Under Rule 19.1 (a)(iii)
Rule 36 Minimum Requirements for International Searching Authorities
§ 36.1 Definition of Minimum Requirements
Rule 37 Missing or Defective Title
§ 37.1 Lack of Title
§ 37.2 Establishment of Title
Rule 38 Missing or Defective Abstract
§ 38.1 Lack of Abstract
§ 38.2 Establishment of Abstract
§ 38.3 Modification of Abstract
Rule 39 Subject Matter Under Article 17 (2)(a)(i)
§ 39.1 Definition
Rule 40 Lack of Unity of Invention (International Search)
§ 40.1 Invitation to Pay Additional Fees; Time Limit
§ 40.2 Additional Fees
§ 40.3 [Deleted]
Rule 41 Taking into Account Results of Earlier Search
§ 41.1 Taking into Account Results of Earlier Search
Rule 42 Time Limit for International Search
§ 42.1 Time Limit for International Search
Rule 43 The International Search Report
§ 43.1 Identifications
§ 43.2 Dates
§ 43.3 Classification
§ 43.4 Language
§ 43.5 Citations
§ 43.6 Fields Searched
§ 43.6 bis Consideration of Rectifications of Obvious Mistakes
§ 43.7 Remarks Concerning Unity of Invention
§ 43.8 Authorized Officer
§ 43.9 Additional Matter
§ 43.10 Form
Rule 43 bis Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority
§ 43 bis .1 Written Opinion
Rule 44 Transmittal of the International Search Report, Written Opinion, Etc.
§ 44.1 Copies of Report or Declaration and Written Opinion
§ 44.2 Title or Abstract
§ 44.3 Copies of Cited Documents
Rule 44 bis International Preliminary Report on Patentability by the International Searching Authority
§ 44 bis .1 Issuance of Report; Transmittal to the Applicant
§ 44 bis .2 Communication to Designated Offices
§ 44 bis .3 Translation for Designated Offices
§ 44 bis .4 Observations on the Translation
Rule 44 ter Confidential Nature of Written Opinion, Report, Translation and Observations
§ 44 ter .1 Confidential Nature
Rule 45 Translation of the International Search Report
§ 45.1 Languages
Rule 46 Amendment of Claims Before the International Bureau
§ 46.1 Time Limit
§ 46.2 Where to File
§ 46.3 Language of Amendments
§ 46.4 Statement
§ 46.5 Form of Amendments
Rule 47 Communication to Designated Offices
§ 47.1 Procedure
§ 47.2 Copies
§ 47.3 Languages
§ 47.4 Express Request Under Article 23 (2) Prior to International Publication
Rule 48 International Publication
§ 48.1 Form and Means
§ 48.2 Contents
§ 48.3 Languages of Publication
§ 48.4 Earlier Publication on the Applicant's Request
§ 48.5 Notification of National Publication
§ 48.6 Announcing of Certain Facts
Rule 49 Copy, Translation and Fee Under Article 22
§ 49.1 Notification
§ 49.2 Languages
§ 49.3 Statements Under Article 19 ; Indications Under  Rule 13 bis .4
§ 49.4 Use of National Form
§ 49.5 Contents of and Physical Requirements for the Translation
§ 49.6 Reinstatement of Rights After Failure to Perform the Acts Referred to in Article 22
Rule 49 bis Indications as to Protection Sought for Purposes of National Processing
§ 49 bis .1 Choice of Certain Kinds of Protection
§ 49 bis .2 Time of Furnishing Indications
Rule 49 ter Effect of Restoration of Right of Priority by Receiving Office; Restoration of Right of Priority By Designated Office
§ 49 ter .1  Effect of Restoration of Right of Priority by Receiving Office
§ 49 ter .2 Restoration of Right of Priority by Designated Office
Rule 50 Faculty Under Article 22 (3)
§ 50.1 Exercise of Faculty
Rule 51 Review by Designated Offices
§ 51.1 Time Limit for Presenting the Request to Send Copies
§ 51.2 Copy of the Notification
§ 51.3 Time Limit for Paying National Fee and Furnishing Translation
Rule 51 bis Certain National Requirements Allowed Under Article 27
§ 51 bis .1 Certain National Requirements Allowed
§ 51 bis .2 Certain Circumstances in Which Documents or Evidence May Not Be Required
§ 51 bis .3 Opportunity to Comply with National Requirements
Rule 52 Amendment of the Claims, the Description, and the Drawings, Before Designated Offices
§ 52.1 Time Limit
PART C - Rules Concerning Chapter II of the Treaty
Rule 53 The Demand
§ 53.1 Form
§ 53.2 Contents
§ 53.3 The Petition
§ 53.4 The Applicant
§ 53.5 Agent or Common Representative
§ 53.6 Identification of the International Application
§ 53.7 Election of States
§ 53.8 Signature
§ 53.9 Statement Concerning Amendments
Rule 54 The Applicant Entitled to Make a Demand
§ 54.1 Residence and Nationality
§ 54.2 Right to Make a Demand
§ 54.3 International Applications Filed with the International Bureau as Receiving Office
§ 54.4 Applicant Not Entitled to Make a Demand
Rule 54 bis Time Limit for Making a Demand
§ 54 bis .1 Time Limit for Making a Demand
Rule 55 Languages (International Preliminary Examination)
§ 55.1 Language of Demand
§ 55.2 Translation of International Application
§ 55.3 Translation of Amendments
Rule 56 [Deleted]
Rule 57 The Handling Fee
§ 57.1 Requirement to Pay
§ 57.2 Amount
§ 57.3 Time Limit for Payment; Amount Payable
§ 57.4 [Deleted]
§ 57.5 [Deleted]
§ 57.6 Refund
Rule 58 The Preliminary Examination Fee
§ 58.1 Right to Ask for a Fee
§ 58.2 [Deleted]
§ 58.3 Refund
Rule 58 bis Extension of Time Limits for Payment of Fees
§ 58 bis .1 Invitation by the International Preliminary Examining Authority
§ 58 bis .2 Late Payment Fee
Rule 59 The Competent International Preliminary Examining Authority
§ 59.1 Demands Under Article 31 (2)(a)
§ 59.2 Demands Under Article 31 (2)(b)
§ 59.3 Transmittal of Demand to the Competent International Preliminary Examining Authority
Rule 60 Certain Defects in the Demand
§ 60.1 Defects in the Demand
§ 60.2 [Deleted]
Rule 61 Notification of the Demand and Elections
§ 61.1 Notification to the International Bureau and the Applicant
§ 61.2 Notification to the Elected Offices
§ 61.3 Information for the Applicant
§ 61.4 Publication in the Gazette
Rule 62 Copy of the Written Opinion by the International Searching Authority and of Amendments Under Article 19 for the International Preliminary Examining Authority
§ 62.1 Copy of Written Opinion by International Searching Authority and of Amendments Made Before the Demand Is Filed
§ 62.2 Amendments Made After the Demand Is Filed
Rule 62 bis Translation for the International Preliminary Examining Authority of the Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority
§ 62 bis .1 Translation and Observations
Rule 63 Minimum Requirements for International Preliminary Examining Authorities
§ 63.1 Definition of Minimum Requirements
Rule 64 Prior Art for International Preliminary Examination
§ 64.1 Prior Art
§ 64.2 Non-Written Disclosures
§ 64.3 Certain Published Documents
Rule 65 Inventive Step or Non-Obviousness
§ 65.1 Approach to Prior Art
§ 65.2 Relevant Date
Rule 66 Procedure Before the International Preliminary Examining Authority
§ 66.1 Basis of the International Preliminary Examination
§ 66.1 bis Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority
§ 66.2 Written Opinion of the International Preliminary Examining Authority
§ 66.3 Formal Response to the International Preliminary Examining Authority
§ 66.4 Additional Opportunity for Submitting Amendments or Arguments
§ 66.4 bis Consideration of Amendments, Arguments and Rectifications of Obvious Mistakes
§ 66.5 Amendment
§ 66.6 Informal Communications with the Applicant
§ 66.7 Copy and Translation of Earlier Application Whose Priority is Claimed
§ 66.8 Form of Amendments
§ 66.9 Language of Amendments
Rule 67 Subject Matter Under Article 34 (4)(a)(i)
§ 67.1 Definition
Rule 68 Lack of Unity of Invention (International Preliminary Examination)
§ 68.1 No Invitation to Restrict or Pay
§ 68.2 Invitation to Restrict or Pay
§ 68.3 Additional Fees
§ 68.4 Procedure in the Case of Insufficient Restriction of the Claims
§ 68.5 Main Invention
Rule 69 Start of and Time Limit for International Preliminary Examination
§ 69.1 Start of International Preliminary Examination
§ 69.2 Time Limit for International Preliminary Examination
Rule 70 International Preliminary Report on Patentability by the International Preliminary Examining Authority (International Preliminary Examination Report)
§ 70.1 Definition
§ 70.2 Basis of the Report
§ 70.3 Identifications
§ 70.4 Dates
§ 70.5 Classification
§ 70.6 Statement Under Article 35 (2)
§ 70.7 Citations Under Article 35 (2)
§ 70.8 Explanations Under Article 35 (2)
§ 70.9 Non-Written Disclosures
§ 70.10 Certain Published Documents
§ 70.11 Mention of Amendments
§ 70.12 Mention of Certain Defects and Other Matters
§ 70.13 Remarks Concerning Unity of Invention
§ 70.14 Authorized Officer
§ 70.15 Form; Title
§ 70.16 Annexes to the Report
§ 70.17 Languages of the Report and the Annexes
Rule 71 Transmittal of the International Preliminary Examination Report
§ 71.1 Recipients
§ 71.2 Copies of Cited Documents
Rule 72 Translation of the International Preliminary Examination Report and of the Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority
§ 72.1 Languages
§ 72.2 Copy of Translation for the Applicant
§ 72.2 bis Translation of the Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority Established Under Rule 43 bis .1
§ 72.3 Observations on the Translation
Rule 73 Communication of the International Preliminary Examination Report or the Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority
§ 73.1 Preparation of Copies
§ 73.2 Communication to Elected Offices
Rule 74 Translations of Annexes of the International Preliminary Examination Report and Transmittal Thereof
§ 74.1 Contents of Translation and Time Limit for Transmittal Thereof
Rule 75 [Deleted]
Rule 76 Translation of Priority Document; Application of Certain Rules to Procedures Before Elected Offices
§ 76.1, 76.2 and 76.3 [Deleted]
§ 76.4 Time Limit for Translation of Priority Document
§ 76.5 Application of Certain Rules to Procedures Before Elected Offices
§ 76.6 [Deleted]
Rule 77 Faculty Under Article 39 (1)(b)
§ 77.1 Exercise of Faculty
Rule 78 Amendment of the Claims, the Description, and the Drawings, Before Elected Offices
§ 78.1 Time Limit
§ 78.2 [Deleted]
§ 78.3 Utility Models
PART D - Rules Concerning Chapter III of the Treaty
Rule 79 Calendar
§ 79.1 Expressing Dates
Rule 80 Computation of Time Limits
§ 80.1 Periods Expressed in Years
§ 80.2 Periods Expressed in Months
§ 80.3 Periods Expressed in Days
§ 80.4 Local Dates
§ 80.5 Expiration on a Non-Working Day or Official Holiday
§ 80.6 Date of Documents
§ 80.7 End of Working Day
Rule 81 Modification of Time Limits Fixed in the Treaty
§ 81.1 Proposal
§ 81.2 Decision by the Assembly
§ 81.3 Voting by Correspondence
Rule 82 Irregularities in the Mail Service
§ 82.1 Delay or Loss in Mail
§ 82.2 Interruption in the Mail Service
Rule 82 bis Excuse by the Designated or Elected State of Delays in Meeting Certain Time Limits
§ 82 bis .1 Meaning of "Time Limit" in Article 48 (2)
§ 82 bis .2 Reinstatement of Rights and Other Provisions to Which Article 48 (2) Applies
Rule 82 ter Rectification of Errors Made by the Receiving Office or by the International Bureau
§ 82 ter .1 Errors Concerning the International Filing Date and the Priority Claim
Rule 83 Right to Practice Before International Authorities
§ 83.1 Proof of Right
§ 83.1 bis Where the International Bureau Is the Receiving Office
§ 83.2 Information
PART E - Rules Concerning Chapter V of the Treaty
Rule 84 Expenses of Delegations
§ 84.1 Expenses Borne by Governments
Rule 85 Absence of Quorum in the Assembly
§ 85.1 Voting by Correspondence
Rule 86 The Gazette
§ 86.1 Contents
§ 86.2 Languages; Form and Means of Publication; Timing
§ 86.3 Frequency
§ 86.4 Sale
§ 86.5 Title
§ 86.6 Further Details
Rule 87 Communication of Publications
§ 87.1 Communication of Publications on Request
§ 87.2 [Deleted]
Rule 88 Amendment of the Regulations
§ 88.1 Requirement of Unanimity
§ 88.2 [Deleted]
§ 88.3 Requirement of Absence of Opposition by Certain States
§ 88.4 Procedure
Rule 89 Administrative Instructions
§ 89.1 Scope
§ 89.2 Source
§ 89.3 Publication and Entry into Force
PART F - Rules Concerning Several Chapters of the Treaty
Rule 89 bis Filing, Processing and Communication of International Applications and Other Documents in Electronic Form or by Electronic Means
§ 89 bis .1 International Applications
§ 89 bis .2 Other Documents
§ 89 bis .3 Communication Between Offices
Rule 89 ter Copies in Electronic Form of Documents Filed on Paper
§ 89 ter .1 Copies in Electronic Form of Documents Filed on Paper
Rule 90 Agents and Common Representatives
§ 90.1 Appointment as Agent
§ 90.2 Common Representative
§ 90.3 Effects of Acts by or in Relation to Agents and Common Representatives
§ 90.4 Manner of Appointment of Agent or Common Representative
§ 90.5 General Power of Attorney
§ 90.6 Revocation and Renunciation
Rule 90 bis Withdrawals
§ 90 bis .1 Withdrawal of the International Application
§ 90 bis .2 Withdrawal of Designations
§ 90 bis .3 Withdrawal of Priority Claims
§ 90 bis .4 Withdrawal of the Demand, or of Elections
§ 90 bis .5 Signature
§ 90 bis .6 Effect of Withdrawal
§ 90 bis .7 Faculty Under Article 37 (4)(b)
Rule 91 Rectification or Obvious Mistakes in the International Application and Other Documents
§ 91.1 Rectification of Obvious Mistakes
§ 91.2 Requests for Rectification
§ 91.3 Authorization and Effect of Rectifications
Rule 92 Correspondence
§ 92.1 Need for Letter and for Signature
§ 92.2 Languages
§ 92.3 Mailings by National Offices and Intergovernmental Organizations
§ 92.4 Reproductions
Rule 92 bis Recording of Changes in Certain Indications in the Request or the Demand
§ 92 bis .1 Recording of Changes by the International Bureau
Rule 93 Keeping of Records and Files
§ 93.1 The Receiving Office
§ 93.2 The International Bureau
§ 93.3 The International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authorities
§ 93.4 Reproductions
Rule 93 bis Manner of Communication of Documents
§ 93 bis .1 Communication on Request; Communication via Digital Library
Rule 94 Access to Files
§ 94.1 Access to the File Held by the International Bureau
§ 94.2 Access to the File Held by the International Preliminary Examining Authority
§ 94.3 Access to the File Held by the Elected Office
Rule 95 Availability of Translations
§ 95.1 Furnishing of Copies of Translations
Rule 96 The Schedule of Fees
§ 96.1 Schedule of Fees Annexed to Regulations

Appendix T Patent Cooperation Treaty

Patent Cooperation Treaty

Done at Washington on June 19, 1970, amended on September 28, 1979, modified on February 3, 1984, and October 3, 2001 (as in force from April 1, 2002)


The Contracting States,

Desiring to make a contribution to the progress of science and technology,

Desiring to perfect the legal protection of inventions,

Desiring to simplify and render more economical the obtaining of protection for inventions where protection is sought in several countries,

Desiring to facilitate and accelerate access by the public to the technical information contained in documents describing new inventions,

Desiring to foster and accelerate the economic development of developing countries through the adoption of measures designed to increase the efficiency of their legal systems, whether national or regional, instituted for the protection of inventions by providing easily accessible information on the availability of technological solutions applicable to their special needs and by facilitating access to the ever expanding volume of modern technology,

Convinced that cooperation among nations will greatly facilitate the attainment of these aims,

Have concluded the present Treaty.

Introductory Provisions

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